We are pleased to invite you to the CBS Christmas event in Barcelona! It will be a great chance to mingle with your alumni friends and welcome an honorable guest from the School, Prof. Sandra Matz (David W. Zalaznick Associate Professor of Business), a renowned authority in human behavior studied through Big Data technology, who will captivate us with a enlightening session on her upcoming book "Mindmasters: The Data-Driven Science of Predicting and Changing Human Behavior".
She will be accompanied by her colleague and husband Prof. Moran Cerf, also a CBS faculty member and globally recognised behavioral psychologist, and they both will be leading the session, as well as putting us up to date on the current state of the School.
The event will take place in the form of an informal two-course dinner in a central restaurant in Barcelona - La Pomarada - on the evening of Tuesday, December 10, and we look forward to meeting you at this most exciting occasion.
The Board of the Columbia Business School Club of Spain
When: Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 8.45pm.
Where: Restaurant Pomarada - Pg. de Gràcia, 78 Principal (between Valencia and Mallorca streets), L'Eixample, 08008 Barcelona.
Price per person: 38 euros per person to cover the dinner cost and presents for the welcomed faculty visitors.
Signups to the event and corresponding payment is to be conducted according to your registration status at the website:
- Alumni already registered at the Club's website should first log into the website with their Username (or, alternatively, their valid e-mail address) and Password that have been previously provided (please contact us if you need a new registration at the website or require a reminder of the Username or a new Password) and, second, click on the "Sign up" button that appears at the top of this page, which will take to the signup and payment steps to be followed thereafter with the user data being filled in automatically.
- All other alumni and participants should first enter their e-mail adress and then click on the "Sign up" button above which will take to the order page where the personal details are requested, including the university which belonged to.
Payment is processed through a secure platform, and the signup will be confirmed via e-mail once the payment has been successfully completed.
Guests: Alumni may bring one guest to this event, at the same price per person as the host. The guest's e-mail address and name/last name are also requested during the registration process for attendance control purposes. Guests receive a confirmation e-mail of their signup.
Signup deadline: Thursday, December 5, 2024.
Inquiries or questions about this event may be forwarded to events@cbsclubspain.org